Sunday 2 September 2012

Task 2 - My Scarecrow Model

Scarecrow design and model

Here is the inspiration that i took from Batman Arkham Asylum, i chose this image because you can see the full extent of what the scarecrow looks like, when showing a friend this image they thought i had traced the image however you can see that the preportions and posture are not the same i just left it in the background to show my refrence.  I really love this pose because it shows that my character is ready for action and is in a heightened state of awareness.

You can see significant differences from my last screenshot, my character now has all detail added from his hood, his body and his weapon, i chose to give my character a scyth and this is because this is a weapon that is generally associated with farming and that is where the scarecrow would be situated in the crops.  I also like the hood on my character i thought that it would be important for my character to be dark and mysterious.

This is just showing a little detail that i have added in the clothing and the cloak, i thought that it would be important to have the cloak ripped and torn and this is too show how scary he is, showing he is not perfect and that he has been in some fights with ripped and torn clothes.

This is showing the shading that i will be using, i have chosen to use these brown and light brow/beige colours because these are stereotypical of what scarecrows wear, it would have been confusing for people too see a model that looked like a scarecrow in blues and reds, and we can also see that i will be shading it from the bottom and middle of the left of the painting as the shades get darker to the right of the image.

As you can see from my various images of my model that it was not the best model ever created however i feel that it was a good result for my first try.  I think that the hand holding the scythe is too bold and big however by the time i had created it i was unable to go back.  However i do think that you can see it resembles my model i created inside photoshop, when cooking the model i did burn the top which you can see however i think that this just adds to the meaning of the scarecrow, as it is an entity from hell and an evil character so the burnt the top of him is fitting within the scarecrows world. 

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